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Worldwide Projects

Take a look at the Worldwide Design Portfolio of 4.Boyut İç Mimarlık to understand more about the detailed work we do. Among our recent projects, you’ll find projects we have worked on such as the ERKU buildings in Ashgabat. The MESA Residence in Letonya or The GAMA Project im Moscow. Contact us today to receive more information about our wordwide projects.

Ashgabat ERKU Buildings

The Office Buildings Located in Ashgabat are an old but major project done by 4.Boyut İç Mimarlık with in total of 1029 ARAN Kitchen sets. 

Letonya - MESA

This residential project took place is Letonya and 318 ARAN kitchen sets have been installed. 

Moscow - GAMA GazProm

This project in Moscow was separated into two different types. The first one included the design and instalasion of 23 ARAN kitchen sets for 23 different Villas, and the second one included the design and installation of 304 ARAN kitchen sets. 

Projects Worldwide: Projects
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